My story with Brittany began after growing up in an externally perfect and internally severed household. With an alcohol abusing parent, I constantly wondered why a substance was chosen over myself and my needs. After my parent ended their relationship with alcohol during my teenage years, I thought that the pain I endured was finished. I was completely wrong. Coming to Brittany, I found that I felt the need to exercise control in the majority of my close relationships as a way to protect my loved ones. I entered my first relationship and constantly felt like I was sabotaging it out of fear. I came to realize that I had carried around fear of being imperfect and I wore it like a badge while I was victimizing myself. When I was younger, I adopted perfectionism in order to feel like I was in control of some aspect of my life where other aspects were uncontrollable. Every single time there was a discrepancy in my life, I felt an overwhelming sense of anxiety and I began to feel like I could not make the decision for what was best for me. I finally realized this when I was reaching out to the other women in my life for what clothes to buy for myself. My first goal that I set with Brittany was to be able to create a wall around myself where I knew what was best for me in any situation and also where other people’s opinions were heard and considered, but I ultimately would know where to turn and what to say next. This aspect affected me in so many areas of life, because of the help by Brittany in strengthening this necessary skill, I began to feel more confident in what I know my morals and values to be for myself and have a better sense of belonging in my own skin. This freed up so much space in all of my relationships, because I stopped asking other people’s opinions, and I began to navigate my life the way I see fit and also enjoying my friends and family with quality time and love. I came to Brittany in a time of my life where I felt like I had enough of myself, I knew that my wounds from my childhood affected many aspects of my life- my perfectionism, my lack of confidence, and my low self-esteem in my decision-making and I needed to make a change. Brittany has helped me in so many ways conquer those past beliefs about myself and create a new vision for myself that is positive, loving, and present/forward minded.