Single Project

Truth Speaks

Truth Speaks

project details

  • author: Brittany Ehrick
  • date: November 13, 2017
  • category: Workshop,

The Truth Speaks

Five to Six hours of exploring yourself, making new rules, creating healthy boundaries and goals for yourself while being able to let go of your own mental baggage. Create a game plan to move yourself forward in life!

About Your Speaker

Brittany Ehrick

She empowers professionals to create their true path to living life. Brittany believes that having faith, strength, passion, and purpose is the way to achieve balance in life with success. Brittany pulls inspiration from her own struggles in order to lead and empower others.

The Energy Leadership Index (E.L.I.)

The E.L.I. is an attitudinal assessment, which is based on an energy/action model. This assessment differs from personality traits as it is not intended to generalize and label each person. Instead, it measures your level of energy based on your attitude and your perception of the world around you. By working with a coach using the E.L.I., you can alter your attitude and perspective, make a shift in your consciousness, and increase your energy and leadership effectiveness.

The E.L.I. is an amazing tool that Bringing Out The Best In You! LLC provides. Take the next step to becoming a better you by participating in the E.L.I. assessment at The Truth Speaks Workshop!


When I am running crazy and stress is taking over … I will stop, breathe, and get out of your head.
When I am planning and missing the now…I will stop thinking about what’s next. I will focus on living in the now.
When I am wishing I had more than I have … I will be humble and kind and I will be grateful for what I have, but I will always strive for more.
When I am looking at the unknown and unsure what to do … I will have faith in myself and make a decision with confidence.
When I am comparing myself to others… I will focus on my own life.
When I feel like I can’t be successful in my own life … I will ask, “How is it serving me to doubt myself?” Instead, I will look for the truth and know I am successful!
When I have that moment where I want to be like everyone else … I remember I am me and I have my own natural gifts and talents to share with the world.
When I am doing everything for everyone else and my life is not where I want it to be .. .l will stand up for what I need because it’s the right thing for me.
When I am telling myself stories to avoid conflict because I don’t know the outcome … I will step into that conflict with open eyes to find the truth without judgment or anger.
When something goes wrong… I will find the good in it instead of the bad and make something powerful out of it.


Contact Bring Out U

(623) 465-2515


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